
Primary tabs



Deciduous trees. Leaves paripinnate with terminal spike, imparipinnate and bipinnate with incised or lobed leaflets in juveniles, rarely retained at maturity. Petals 4 or 5, free, contorted and much longer than calyx in bud. Staminal tube cylindrical, somewhat narrowing distally, margin entire to crenulate; anthers attached to margin. Ovary flask-shaped, 3–5-locular, each lo- cule with numerous ovules; stylehead capitate with 3–5 stigmatic ridges. Capsule ovoid or ellipsoid, woody, opening by 3–5 valves from the apex, the valves splitting into an outer and inner bifid layer; columella with 3-5 sharply angled ridges, extending to apex of capsule; seed scars conspicuous. Seeds 60–100 per locule, wings terminal, arranged laterally in tiers in two ranks; endosperm present; cotyledons subcircular; radicle oblique- ly exserted.


from India and Sri Lanka, eastwards through tropical Asia to western Malesia present
One somewhat variable species from India and Sri Lanka, eastwards through tropical Asia to western Malesia


Harms 1940 – In: Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 19bl. p 65
T.D. Penn. & Styles 1975 – In: Blumea. 519.