Millingtonia hortenjis

Primary tabs

Millingtonia hortenjis


Evergreen (or deciduous?) tree, 5-25 m, to 30 cm ø; Capsule 30-35 by l½-l¾ cm. Seeds thin-discoid, 1½-3½ by 1-1½ cm including the wings.


As the genus. .


The soft, even-grained timber was sometimes advertized for tea-boxes but is not of high quality. Tree sometimes used for parks or roadsides, leaves as a poor substitute of opium in cigarettes, sometimes received from the opium factory in Java under the vernacular name gendjè.


From Sumba the flowers have once been noted to be red (IBOET 264), never confirmed. MEIJER DREES () recorded that Millingtonia is deciduous in the driest regions of Timor, but the scant field notes do not confirm this.


F.-VILL. 1880: Nov. App: 150: cult. Manila
Merr. 1944 – In: J. Arn. Arb.: 316
DECNE 1835: Herb. Timor.: 32
Corner 1940: Ways. Trees: 165
LINNÉ f. 1928 – In: Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg: 187
BUREAU 1864: Mon: 45: t. 8
BACK. & BAKH.F. 1965 – In: Fl. Java: 234
K. & V. 1894 – In: Booms. Java: 65
SPAN. 1841 – In: Linnaea: 326
Miq. 1858 – In: Fl. Ind. Bat.: 753
Clarke 1884 – In: Fl. Br. Ind.: 377
STEEN. 1927: Thesis: 826