Phyllomyza tetragona

Primary tabs

Phyllomyza tetragona


Europe: Middle Europe (Austria present, Germany present, Hungary present, Netherlands present, Poland present); Northern Europe (Finland present, Sweden present)


checklist, Poland (Nowakowski 1991: Milichiidae, pp. 218-219. – In: Razowski, Checklist of animals of Poland 2, 342pp: 218)
Palaearctic catalog
Hungary (Papp 1978: 72. család: Milichiidae + Carnidae. – Fauna Hung. 15: 9-50: 19)
diagnosis, figs of head, wing, Germany (Hennig 1937: Milichiidae et Carnidae, pp. 1-91. – In: Lindner, Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region 61a: 39)
checklist, Finland (Frey 1941: Enumeratio insectorum fenniae VI.Diptera: 63pp: 30)
Sweden, Finland (Andersson 1971: Faunistic notes on Scandinavian Diptera Brachycera. – Ent. Tidskr. 92: 232-236: 235)