Chisocheton cumingianus

Primary tabs

Chisocheton cumingianus


Tree to 37 m; bole to 14 m, 150 cm diam.; buttresses to 3 m tall, 2 m out or bole fluted to 10 m. Bark scaly, pale grey-brown; inner bark chestnut brown; sapwood straw. Leaves to 120 cm, pseudogemmulate, crowded in dense terminal spirals; petiole 5–10 cm, 2.5–5 mm diam., terete or weakly flattened adaxially. Petals (3) 4 (5), 12–20(–25) by 2.5 mm, spathulate, acute, pale yellow to white, reddish in sicco. Staminal tube c. 1 mm diam., ± glabrous without, ± pubescent within from just below anthers to base, margin 6–9-lobed, lobes to 2.5 mm long, entire to 2- or 3-fid; anthers 6–9, 1.5–2.2 mm long, elliptic-oblong, locellate, glabrous to villous. Ovary in female (? and hermaphrodite) flowers 3- or 4-locular, each locule with 1 (2) ovule(s); style pubescent in proximal 3/4; stylehead disciform to capitate. Capsule to 7 cm diam., globose to pyriform, occasionally weakly rostrate, orange-red, glabrous to velutinous; stipe to 1.5 cm long; pericarp usually with white latex. Seeds 3 or 4; testa blackish brown; aril circumhilar, margin crenate, sometimes with extension to micropyle, orange-red; cotyledons superposed. 2n = 46, 92.


Ambon present, Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present; Philippines (Philippines present); Sulawesi (Sulawesi present), Continental Asia from Assam and tropical China through Indochina to eastern Malesia present, Manus present, New Britain present, New Ireland present, Ternate present
Continental Asia from Assam and tropical China through Indochina to eastern Malesia: Philippines, Celebes, Moluccas (Ambon, Ternate), New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago (Manus, New Britain, New Ireland)


The wood of Indian specimens has been considered by the timber industry. In New Guinea used as a fish poison.


Three subspecies are recognized, two of them occurring in and endemic to Malesia. The third one, restricted to the Asiatic mainland, is subsp. balansae (CDC.) Mabb. . It usually has rather pubescent leaves and axillary or supra-axillary thyrses, while 2n = 46.


Fern.-Vill. 1880: Nov. App. p 42
Lecomte 1925: Bois Indoch. 134.
Pellegr. 1946: Fl. Indo-Chine. p 692
Gamble 1896: Trees Beng., ed. 2. p 16
Drury 1864 – In: Handb. Ind. Fl. 168.
Briq. 1935 – In: Mém. Inst. Nat. Genev. p 67
P.F. Stevens 1978: p. 147. – In: Handb. Fl. Papua New Guinea. t. 72
Kurz 1877: For. Fl. Burma. 216.
Pellegr. 1911 – In: Fl. Indo-Chine. p 739
Pellegr. 1911 – In: Fl. Indo-Chine. 737.
Voigt 1845: Hort. Suburb. Calc. p 135
P.F. Stevens 1975 – In: Contr. Herb. Austral. p 21
Roxb. – In: ed. Carey, Fl. Ind. 1. p 242
Johns 1976 – In: Comm. For. Trees Papua New Guinea. 214.
Mabb. 1977: p. 528. – In: Taxon. incl. subsp. balansae (CDC.) Mabb.
Chun 1940 – In: Sunyatsenia. p 237
Elmer 1937 – In: Leafi. Philipp. Bot. p 3346
Wall.: Cat. n. 4885, p.p.
Guzman et al. 1986: p. 335. – In: Guide Philipp. Fl. Fauna. t. 255
Steud. 1840 – In: NomencL, ed. 2. p 534
Hô 1992: p. 494. – In: III. Fl. Vietnam. incl. subsp. balansae.
Pellegr. 1911 – In: Fl. Indo-Chine. p 736
West & Brown 1920: p. 117. – In: Bull. Philipp. Dept. Agr. For. cum tab.
Vidal 1886: Rev. Pl. Vase. Filip. 84.
How & Chen 1955 – In: Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18.
Pellegr. 1911 – In: Fl. Indo-Chine. p 740
Wight 1839: Ic. n. 146 (‘Guaria’
M.Roem. 1846 – In: Synops. Monogr. p 101
Pellegr. 1946 – In: Fl. Indo-Chine. p 696
A. Juss. 1832 – In: Mém. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris. p 241
Prain 1903 – In: Beng. Pl. p 315
Merr. 1923 – In: Enum. Philipp. Flow. Pl. p 367
Pellegr. 1911 – In: Fl. Indo-Chine. 740.
Briq. 1935 – In: Mém. Inst. Nat. Genev. 66.
Walp. 1842 – In: Rep. p 435
Cowan & Cowan 1929: Trees N Bengal. p 32
Merr. 1906 – In: Philipp. J. Sc. p 72
Pellegr. 1946: Fl. Indo-Chine. 692.
Hô 1992 – In: III. Fl. Vietnam. 494.
Mabb. 1979: p. 347. – In: Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. incl. subsp. balansae & subsp. kinabaluensis (Merr.) Mabb.
Craib 1926 – In: Fl. Siam. Enum. p 253
Brandis 1906: Indian Trees. 139, 703
Hô 1992 – In: III. Fl. Vietnam. 495.
West & Brown 1921 – In: Bull. Philipp. Dept. Agr. For. p 119
Vidal 1885: Phan. Cuming. p 84
C.DC. 1878 – In: DC, Monogr. Phan. 1. p 531
Pellegr. 1911: p. 737. – In: Fl. Indo-Chine. f. 12–15
Kanj. et al. 1936 – In: Fl. Assam. p 692