Parinari papuana

Primary tabs

Parinari papuana



Large trees to 40 m tall, buttressed or unbut-tressed, the young branches puberulous, soon glabrous, with clusters of large prominent lenticels with central slit. Leaves thickly coriaceous to chartaceous, oblong, 4-18 by 1.5-6.5 cm, glabrous above, with stomatal crypts filled with lanate pubescence beneath, acuminate at apex, the tip 3-10 mm long, rounded to subcuneate at base; Stipules lanceolate, very early caducous. Inflorescence of terminal and subterminal panicles, 2-6 cm long, the rachis and branches densely tomentose or tomentellous; Petals 5, white, acute. Ovary villous, style villous on lower portion, glabrous above; Fruit ovoid, 4-6 cm long;