1Trunk with copious white latex from the inner bark; colleter(s) in the leaf-axils deltoid and usually more or less as wide as the leaf-scars, or narrowly triangular, 0.3-0.7 mm wide; corolla lobes sinistrorse; seeds rounded at both ends; leaves in whorls of (3-)4-9
1'Trunk without white latex from the inner bark; colleters in the leaf-axils minute or narrowly lingulate, 0.1-0.15 mm wide; corolla lobes dextrorse; seeds acuminate or caudate; leaves consistently in whorls of 3 or 4
2Branches or branchlets usually with a distinctly shorter internode at the end; leaves long-acuminate; ovary syncarpous; follicles solitary
2'Branches or branchlets without a distinctly shorter internode at the end; leaf apex retuse to shortly acuminate; ovary apocarpous; follicles in pairs
3Leaves with the tertiary venation more or less conspicuous above; petiole with a distinct narrow intrapetiolar stipule at the base; colleters narrowly triangular; corolla (sometimes partly) pubescent outside
3'Leaves with the tertiary venation mostly inconspicuous or obscure above; petioles without intrapetiolar stipule at the base; colleters deltoid; corolla glabrous outside
4Leaves elliptic or narrowly so, rarely slightly obovate, apex usually obtuse or shortly acuminate
4'Leaves strongly obovate or spathulate, apex rounded or retuse
5Sepals pubescent outside; leaves 1.5-7 cm wide. — Thailand, Western Malesia
5'Sepals glabrous outside; leaves 0.7-2.2 cm wide. — Papua New Guinea, Australia
6Flowers very densely clustered, usually forming two clusters; corolla tube 1.8-2.8 times as long as the lobes which are 2.6-4 mm long; follicles glabrous
6'Flowers rather lax; corolla tube 1-1.7 times as long as the lobes which are 4-6.5 mm long; follicles pubescent
7Leaves usually sessile, rarely petiolate; flowers many and densely clustered, usually into two clusters; sepals pubescent outside; corolla lobes 3-4.3(-5) by 2-3.2 mm; follicles pubescent
7'Leaves petiolate; inflorescences few-flowered, lax; sepals glabrous outside; corolla lobes 6.7-11 by 3.5-6 mm, follicles glabrous
8Sepals grey- or rusty-pubescent outside
8'Sepals glabrous or laxly puberulous outside
9Corolla glabrous or very sparsely hairy outside (usually around the apex), dark brown or blackish when dried
9'Corolla pubescent outside, sometimes puberulous only around the apex, usually pale or rusty brown due to the hairs
10Leaves glabrous on both sides, secondary veins 12-17 pairs; sepals pubescent (except on the fused part) inside
10'Leaves glabrous or sparsely hairy above, densely velutinous beneath, secondary veins 23-26 pairs; sepals glabrous inside
11Sepals 2.5-3.7 mm long, usually ovate; corolla tube 3.8 mm long; corolla lobes 3.5-5.8 mm long, ciliate or not. — Philippines
11'Sepals c. 1.7 mm long, turbinate; corolla tube c. 2 mm long; corolla lobes c. 2 mm long, ciliate. — Waigeo Island, Papua
12Corolla lobes suborbicular, ovate, or sometimes shortly lingulate, 1-2.1 times as long as wide, apex rounded or obtuse
12'Corolla lobes narrowly ovate, rarely ovate, more than (2.6-)3.1 times as long as wide, apex acute or obtuse
13Sepals pubescent inside on the lobed part. — Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo
13'Sepals glabrous or laxly puberulous only around the apex inside. — Java, Sulawesi, Philippines to Australia and Solomon Islands
14Sepals with a thick margin, usually reflexed, obovate, connate at the base at least 0.5 of the length; corolla tube 3-4.5 mm long; corolla lobes 1-2.3 by 1-1.8 mm; seeds 1.2-1.6 mm wide
14'Sepals with a thin margin, not reflexed, ovate, connate at the base less than 0.5 of the length; corolla tube 5.4-5.6 mm long; corolla lobes 3-4.5 by 1.8-2.3 mm; seeds 1.8-2 mm wide
15Corolla tube 2-3 times as long as the lobes which are ovate or subtriangular, 1-1.3 times as long as wide, not ciliate; seeds 7-9 by 3-3.3 mm; leaves thickly coriaceous, usually abruptly acuminate
15'Corolla tube 0.7-1.5 times as long as the lobes which are ovate, narrowly ovate or oblong, 2.2-5 times as long as wide, ciliate or not; seeds 5-12 by 1.6-2.5 mm; leaves chartaceous or coriaceous