Walsura spec. a

Primary tabs

Walsura spec. a


Tree to 35 m tall, dbh to 0.75 m, buttressed to 1.2 m; bark smooth to flaky, reddish. Leaves 13–24 cm long, 2-jugate. Flowers unknown. Fruit a 1–2-seeded berry, (globose to) ellipsoid, 2.2–2.6 cm long, 1.5–1.8 cm diam., olive-green in vivo, brown in sicco, puberulous with prostrate simple and 2-armed trichomes, pericarp coriaceous with a very thin fibrous endocarp. Seeds 1–1.5 cm long, completely enveloped in a fleshy sweet-tasting aril.


Asia-Tropical: Borneo (Sarawak present)
MalesiaBorneo (Sarawak)


This species superficially resembles W. pinnata, and in fruit anatomy (except for the 2-armed trichomes) is very similar, but the degree of vein prominence on the undersurface of the leaflet (especially after drying) is very different.