Milichia nitida

Primary tabs

Milichia nitida


type information (Hennig 1937: Milichiidae et Carnidae, pp. 1-91. – In: Lindner, Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region 61a. – Stuttgart : Schweizerbart. p 23)
Palaearctic catalog ()
description of male, Egypt (Steyskal 1966: Notes and descriptions of Egyptian acalyptrate Diptera (Ephydridae, Milichiidae, Otitidae). – Bull. Soc. ent. Égypte 109: 109-125. p 120)
fig. of male surstylus, Canary Islands, description of male; description of male in must refer to a different species (Deeming & Báez 1985: Some Milichiidae (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) from the Canary Islands. – Entomologist's mon. Mag. 121: 63-69. p 65)
checklist, Egypt (Steyskal & El-Bialy 1967: A list of Egyptian Diptera with a bibliography and key to families. – United Arab Republic, Ministry of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin 3: 87pp. p 34)
catalog, Canary Is. (Carles-Tolrá & Báez 2002: Milichiidae, p. 174. – In: Carles-Tolrá, Catálogo de los Diptera de España, Portugal y Andorra (Insecta) 8. – Zaragoza. p 174)


Africa: Macaronesia (Canary Is. present)


PA: Canary Is.A
A. Brake, Irina: Milichiidae