1Hypanthium 5 — 10( — 15) mm long, tubular, dilated at base; leaves with tip of lobes obtuse to acuminate; indumentum varying
1'Hypanthium shorter, 5 by 4 mm, ± urceolate; leaves finely reddish brown pubescent below, tip of lobes obtuse
2Bracts large, 20-30 mm; young branches patently hairy; leaves reddish villous beneath
2'Not this combination
3Leaves on flowering shoots 4-11 cm across, rarely more
3'Leaves on flowering shoots larger, 11-18 cm across
4Leaves glabrous to glabrescent below; divided 1 /4-1 /2, tip of lobes obtuse to subacute, rarely acute
4'Leaves densely dark brown appressed hairy below, deeply divided, 2/3-3/4, lobes narrowly triangular, tip acuminate
5Inflorescences racemes 20-30 cm long
5'Inflorescences corymbose to racemose, up to 20 cm long..