1Flowers uni- or biseriate along the whole or at least the upper (in S. grandifolius thickened) part of the branches of the umbel, generally 5-12 per branch.
1'Flowers clustered at the end of the branches of the umbel or even at the end of the peduncle when the branches of the umbel are very short. (Bracts at the base of the umbel generally small, fugacious or rarely subpersistent).
2Bracts at the base of the umbel persistent for a while during anthesis, (3-)4-5 by c. 1 mm.
2'Bracts at the base of the umbel early caducous, 1-2 by c. 0.5 mm.
3Leaves (18-)26-36 by 7-11 (-13) cm, very coriaceous, generally a little shining above only in the dry state, nerves 15-20 pairs generally very slightly or hardly raised on both faces, veins ± obscure. Drupe ellipsoid-ovoid, 2-2.4 by 1.2-1.5 cm.
3'Leaves 11-23(-30) by 6-9(-11) cm, coriaceous, generally shining on both faces in the dry state, nerves 15-20 pairs slightly though markedly raised on both faces as are the rather lax veins. Drupe ovoid-ellipsoid, 4.5-5(-6.5) by 2-2.5(-3) cm.
4Inflorescences robust, peduncle c. 3 mm Ø. Calyx shallowly lobed or almost entire. Petals 5-6(-7) mm. Drupe ovoid to oblong-ovoid, 2.5-3(-4) by (1.6-)2 cm.
4'Inflorescences relatively slender, peduncle 1-2 mm Ø. Calyx lobed ± halfway. Petals c. 4 mm. Drupe oblong-ellipsoid, 4.5-5.5 by 1-1.5 cm.
5Drupe subovoid-oblongoid to almost fusiform, at least 2 times as long as (or mostly longer than) across. (Leaves generally smooth on the undersurface, maybe except some tubercles found close to and along the midrib).
5'Drupe ovoid to ellipsoid-ovoid, up to c. 2 times as long as across.
6Calyx rather deeply obtusely lobed. Petals (2.5-)3(-4) mm. Disk cup-shaped. Drupe 4.5-5 by (1-)1.5-2.2 cm.
6'Calyx shallowly lobed. Petals (4-)5 mm. Disk low, almost patellar. Drupe (4.3-)4.5-5 by 1.5-1.7 cm.
7Leaves practically smooth on the undersurface; petiole (2-)2.5-3 cm. Calyx rather distinctly lobed.
7'Leaves generally rather ± densely tubercled all over the undersurface or at least in a broad stripe along the midrib; petiole 1-2 (very rarely up to 3) cm.
8Calyx ± distinctly obtusely lobed. Petals 3(-4, very rarely -4.5) mm.
8'Calyx truncate or very shallowly (apiculately) lobed. Petals (4-)5(-6) mm.