Antiaris toxicaria subsp. macrophylla

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Antiaris toxicaria subsp. macrophylla


Arnhemland present, Aru Islands present, Asia-Tropical: Bismarck Archipelago (Bismarck Archipelago present); Lesser Sunda Is. present; Maluku (Maluku present); New Guinea present, Australasia, Batjan present, Company’s Island present, Halmahera present, New Hebrides present, Pacific: Fiji (Fiji present); Tonga (Tonga present), Pacific present, Solomon Islands present, Tanimbar Islands present, Timor present, Vanuatu present, Wetar present
Pacific (Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga), Australia (Arnhemland,Company’s Island); in Malesia: Moluccas (Batjan?, Halmahera, Aru Islands), Lesser Sunda Islands (only Timor, Wetar, and Tanimbar Islands?), New Guinea (incl. Bismarck Archipelago).


The infructescences are edible and the (sub)species has been carried to Fiji, Tonga, and Company’s Island by sea farers (see ). The small size of the plants found in Fiji (either shrubs or small trees) is linked to this introduction. It should be noted that specimens of A. toxicaria subsp. humbertii (Leandri) C.C. Berg of Madagascar are shrubs or small trees and the same habit occurs in the other Madagascan subspecies (see ).


Seem. 1862: p. 3. – In: Bonplandia: t. 7
Seem. 1868: Fl. Vit: 253: t. 72
Backer & Bakh.f. 1965 – In: Fl. Java: 20
Benth. 1873 – In: Fl. Australia: 179