Litchi chinensis subsp. javensis

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Litchi chinensis subsp. javensis


Branchlets up to 7 mm in diam., greyish brown, glabroiis. Leaves 2-4-jugate; Inflorescences 12-20 cm long with few long erecto-patent, spicoid, thick; Stamens 7-11; Ovary 1 by 2 mm, according to some authors exceptionally 3-celled; Fruits as in subsp. chinensis.


Asia-Tropical: Jawa (Jawa present)
Malesia: Java; known only cultivated from a few localities, apparently rare.


The fruits are probably comparable in quality to those of subsp. chinensis.


1. Subsp. javensis was always considered to be introduced from China, and that is why no special attention was paid to it. Only Radlkofer described it as a separate form but with the remark 'status morbosus'. It differs distinctly from subsp. chinensis, however, not only morphologically but also by being adapted to an everwet tropical climate. To my knowledge it cannot be linked to any of the Chinese cultivars; the spicoid inflorescences are especially distinctive. It is known only as a rarely cultivated fruit tree of West Java, at least from the 18th century onwards (J. Burman 119 in L), but it may be indigenous.
2. Litchi chinensis subsp. javensis Leenh. is based upon Litchi chinensis f. glomeriflora Radlk.