Walsura sarawakensis

Primary tabs

Walsura sarawakensis


Trees to 6 m tall. Leaves 52–80 cm long, 3-jugate; petiole 15–21 cm long, 0.2–0.4 cm thick, semi-terete and flattened adaxially, glabrous to very sparsely puberulous with very short erect trichomes, sparsely lenticellate; petiolule 5–18 mm long, 1–1.5 mm thick, ± terete or slightly flattened adaxially. Inflorescences clustered around shoot apex in axils of (sometimes) caducous undeveloped leaves, 7.5–8 cm long at anthesis, a compact thyrse branched up to second order (excluding pedicels) of which the first order branches can be up to 1.3 cm long, all parts densely puberulous and primary rachis sparsely lenticellate. Flowers hermaphrodite, just prior to opening cupiform, c. 2.6 mm long, c. 2.1 mm diam., at maximum opening c. 2.8 mm diam. Petals 3.2–3.5 by 1.7– 1.8 mm, imbricate. Fruit a 1–3-seeded berry, ellipsoidal, 2–3 by 1.7–2.5 cm, green to purplish-brown in vivo, brown in sicco, glabrous, pericarp coriaceous. Seeds ellipsoidal, 1.8–2.3 by c. 1.4 cm, (in vivo) enveloped in a sticky white aril.


Asia-Tropical: Borneo (Sarawak present), known only from five collections from a small area north of Kapit present
MalesiaBorneo (Sarawak, known only from five collections from a small area north of Kapit)