Walsura pachycaulon

Primary tabs

Walsura pachycaulon


Trees to 29 m tall, girth to 90 cm; outer bark 0.6–3.8 cm thick and dark grey-brown to blackish; inner bark pink. Leaves 38–60 cm long, 4- (or 5-)jugate; petiole 10–22 cm long and 3–7 mm thick, semi-terete with flat to shallowly canaliculate adaxial surface, sparsely lenticellate and glabrous; petiolule 0.5–2.3 cm long and 0.8–2 mm thick, ± terete. Inflorescences clustered around shoot apex in axils of caducous undeveloped leaves, 16–45 cm long at anthesis, each an open thyrse branched to third order (excl. pedicels) with first order branches up to 15 cm long, pedicels 1–2.5 mm long, all parts densely puberulous. Flowers hermaphrodite, just prior to opening ± cylindrical, 2.6–3.2 mm long, 2.5–3 mm diam., at maximal opening c. 5.2 mm diam. Petals c. 4.2 by c. 2.2 mm, imbricate. Fruit a 1-seeded globose (to ovoidal) berry, 1.8–4.2 cm diam., brown when mature in vivo, sparsely puberulous, pericarp to 5 mm thick and coriaceous. Seeds narrowly ellipsoidal, to 2.8 by 1.6 cm, incompletely (?) surrounded by sweet tasting jelly-like aril.


Asia-Tropical: Borneo (Sabah present, Sarawak present)
MalesiaBorneo (Sabah, Sarawak)


This species is most closely related to W. pinnata, but is distinguished from all other members of the genus by its pachycaul leafy shoots and large (i.e. 9 or 11) leaflet number.