1 | Leaf undivided |
1' | Leaf divided |
2 | Leafy twigs 8-15 mm diam.; leaves 4- (or 5-)jugate (Borneo). |
2' | Leafy twigs 2.5-8 mm diam.; leaves 1-3-jugate |
3 | Leaflet abaxial surface white-dotted (matt/glaucous in islets); androecium of discrete filaments |
3' | Leaflet abaxial surface not white-dotted (matt/glaucous uniformly); androecium tubular for part of its length |
4 | Leaf 3-jugate only; leaflet apex acuminate for (2–)2.5–5 cm (Sarawak) |
4' | Leaf 2- (or 3-)jugate; leaflet apex acute or acuminate for < 1.5 cm |
5 | Fruit terete and indehiscent |
5' | Fruit 4-winged to rhomboidal (in transverse section) and weakly dehiscent (Borneo) |