1Stamens partially to almost completely exserted
1'Stamens completely included in corolla tube
2Corolla tube 5-14 mm long; upper part absent or up to 2 mm long
2'Corolla tube 23-37 mm long; upper part 5-9(-10) mm long
3Corolla tube 9-14 mm long; leaves 8-20 by 2-7.5 cm; secondary veins (6-)7-14 on each side
3'Corolla tube 5-8(-9) mm long; leaves 3.5-14 by 0.8-6 cm; secondary veins 5-8 on each side
4Corolla mouth glabrous or glabrate; inflorescences 1-7-flowered, tertiary venation largely obscure
4'Corolla mouth densely pubescent; inflorescences 8-25-flowered, tertiary venation easily visible, ± perpendicular to midrib and oblique to secondary veins
5Corolla lobes glabrous at the apices; leaves 3-8.1 times as long as wide
5'Corolla lobes pubescent all over; leaves 2.1-4.8 times as long as wide
6Corolla tube 23-26 mm long; lobes 15-20 mm long; leaves obtuse or acute at the apex; ovary glabrous or only very sparsely puberulent
6'Corolla tube 34-37 mm long; lobes 25-33 mm long; leaves acuminate with obtuse point at the apex; ovary pubescent
7Corolla lobes 3-4 mm wide, 7.5-10 times as long as wide; lower part of the corolla tube 4-5 mm long; calyx without colleters
7'Corolla lobes (5-)7-22 mm wide, 1.5-5 times as long as wide; lower part of the corolla tube 5-19 mm long; calyx with colleters
8Stamens inserted 6-8 mm from corolla base; lower part of the tube 5-8 mm long; inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered
8'Stamens inserted 15-19 mm from corolla base; lower part of the tube 7-17(-18) mm long; inflorescences 1-12-flowered
9Leaves 1.5-2.2 times as long as wide; corolla tube 18-23 mm long; colleters in the calyx 5-15
9'Leaves 2.7-4.2 times as long as wide; corolla tube 25-33 mm long; colleters in the calyx 50-60
10Anther apex 1-1.5 mm from throat; upper part of the tube densely pubescent inside
10'Anther apex 3-30 mm from throat; upper part of the tube glabrous or sparsely pubescent inside
11Leaves ≤ 2.5 times as long as wide, 8-13 cm wide
11'Leaves > 2.5 times as long as wide, 1-6.5 cm wide
12Leaves ≤ 11 cm long; corolla tube 11-31 mm long; lobes 1.1-4 times as long as the tube; anther apex 4-6 mm from throat
12'Leaves 9-20 cm long; corolla tube (20-)33-37 mm long1; lobes 0.5-0.9 times as long as the tube; anther apex (3-)9-11 mm from throat1
13Leaves 3-6.1 times as long as wide, acuminate or caudate at the apex; leaf axils with colleters; sepals 2-3.8 times as long as wide; pedicels c. 5 mm long
13'Leaves 2.6-2.8 times as long as wide, acute at the apex; leaf axils without colleters; sepals 0.8-1.7 times as long as wide; pedicels 30 mm long