1Leaf base distinctly petiolate
1'Leaf base tapering, decurrent or amplexicaul, at most sub-petiolate
2Lid narrow; nectar glands 0-12 on lower surface
2'Lid elliptic; nectar glands 30-100+
3Lower leaf margins fimbriate
3'Lower leaf margins not fimbriate
4Lid with many glands confined to edges
4'Lid with few, scattered, prominently rimmed glands
5Leaf base decurrent to stem
5'Leaf base amplexicaul, but not decurrent
6Peristome with a white collar below
6'Peristome without a white collar below
7Stem angular, leaf base sessile; lid flat below with scattered large glands
7'Stem rounded, leaf base sub-petiolate; lid with a basal ridge with large glands
8Lid rounded, cordate at base; peristome narrow, rounded, stem rounded
8'Lid ovate, truncate at base; peristome broader, irregular, stem angular
9Pitcher spur branched; lid glands numerous, small (0.2-0.3 mm)
9'Pitcher spur simple; lid glands few, large (0.4-0.5 mm)
10Stem sharply 3-angled; peristome scarcely toothed within; lid without hairs
10'Stem perceptibly 3-angled; peristome teeth large near lid; lid with hairs