KEY TO THE SPECIES Lesser Sunda Is., Celebes, Moluccas, and neighbouring islands Fruiting material

1Hypocarp discoid, wider than long.
1'Hypocarp obconical or pulvinate, stalk-like, longer than wide, or ± equal in length and width.
2Fruits subglobose, rounded at the apex; sparsely puberulous, glabrescent. Leaf veins reticulate, some cross-bar-like
2'Fruits broadly obovoid, concave at the apex; velutinous, sometimes glabrescent. Leaf veins reticulate-scalariform
3Papillae on the lower leaf surface indistinct or obscure. Fruits 1-2½ by 1-2 cm, glabrous
3'Papillae on the lower leaf surface distinct.
4Leaves glabrous, sometimes sparsely puberulous or pubescent on the lower surface; papillae in small groups in the areolae. Fruits 3-4 by 2-3½ cm, velutinous, glabrescent.
4'Leaves densely, sometimes sparsely tomentose or pubescent, glabrescent, rarely glabrous on the lower surface; papillae rather uniform, not separated into small groups as above. Fruits smaller, 1-1¼ by ¾-l cm, sparsely hairy, glabrescent