KEY TO THE SPECIES (based on flower and fruit characters)

1Tepals 12. Carpels free (not seen in E. platyphylla).
1'Tepals (12-) 17. Carpels free or concrescent. For New Guinea plants with 12 tepals and fruiting carpels free, see under E. tsiampacca.
2Twigs and stipules hairy
2'Twigs and stipules glabrous
3Undersurface of leaves glaucous (sometimes a dense indumentum of appressed hairs obscuring the glaucousness), hairy (in New Guinea sometimes glabrous: var. glaberrima). Fruiting carpels free, dorsally dehiscing
3'Undersurface of leaves not glaucous, glabrous or hairy. Fruiting carpels concrescent.
4Twigs glabrous or yellowish villous, soon glabrescent, rarely pubescent. Nerves in (10—)14—21 pairs
4'Twigs densely fulvously pubescent or tomentose, later glabrescent. Nerves in 20-24 pairs