KEY TO THE SPECIES of Cyathea Subg. Sphaeropteris Sect. Sphaeropteris Subsect. Sphaeropteris

1Indusium present.
1'Indusium lacking.
2Stipe bearing many bristles 10-20 mm long, spreading at right angles, surface of bristles covered with dark setae.
2'Stipe lacking such bristles.
3Slender hairs 1 mm long abundant on costae, costules and veins beneath.
3'Such hairs lacking; at most much shorter hairs present towards apices of pinnules.
4Largest pinnules 90-120 by 16-20 mm; costae not densely scaly; no bullate scales on costae and costules
4'Largest pinnules 50 by 10 mm; costae densely scaly; bullate scales present on costules.
5Scales of stipe-base to 50 mm or more long, shining medium brown, rigid, edges bearing sparse rather long concolorous setae. Lamina very rigid, edges strongly reflexed and inrolled.
5'Scales on stipe-base mostly shorter, often not rigid and pale, edges mostly bearing close dark setae. Edges of lamina rarely much reflexed and then not inrolled.
6Pinnules to 30 mm long. Scales on stipe-base 2 mm wide; pinna-rachis rather persistently covered with a feit of small pale fringed scales; scales on costules bearing pale crisped marginal hairs.
6'Pinnules 45-80 mm long. Scales on stipe-base 3-5 mm wide; pinna-rachis not persistently or densely so covered; scales on costules often bearing long dark setae.
7Stipe bearing many dark shining spines 3-6 mm long. Pinnules to 80 mm long.
7'Stipe lacking spines. Pinnules commonly to 45 mm long
8Upper part of stipe and all rachises finely and very closely warty; bullate scales always present on costules.
8'Upper part of stipe and rachises thorny or conspicuously warty, warts not very fine and close; bullate scales present or not.
9Long pale hairs normally lacking on lower surface of costae and costules, present on upper surface of costules; no setiferous scales on costae
9'Long pale hairs always rather abundant distally on lower surface of costae and costules, lacking or very few on upper surface of costules; setiferous scales present at least near base of costae.
10Veins commonly 15 pairs; setiferous scales on costae of lower pinnules only.
10'Veins 9-12 pairs; setiferous scales always abundant on costae
11Scales on costules abundant, copiously fringed with long crisped hairs which become entangled and form a woolly covering.
11'Scales on costules not thus fringed.
12Scales on costules not setiferous; lamina-segments much curved forwards when dry; hairs on upper surface of pinna-rachis pale
12'Scales at bases of costules bearing many long dark setae; lamina-segments spreading at right angles to costa; hairs on upper surface of pinna-rachis dark
13Bullate scales present on lower surface of costae and or costules.
13'Bullate scales lacking on lower surface of costae and costules.
14Bullate scales present on lower surface of veins.
14'Bullate scales lacking on lower surface of veins.
15Copious long hairs also on lower surface of veins
15'Long hairs lacking on lower surface of veins, or only at vein-tips.
16Pinna-rachis closely warty, warts dark; pinnules to 13 mm wide. Luzon.
16'Pinna-rachis sparsely thorny or warty; pinnules 15-25 mm wide. New Guinea.
17Stipe conspicuously spiny; pale hairs on lower surface of costae few or lacking.
17'Stipe warty; pale hairs abundant on lower surface of distal half of costae and on costules.
18Costae copiously scaly throughout, with small pale-fringed scales as well as elongate setiferous ones; bullate scales not setiferous
18'Costae rather sparsely scaly, small pale-fringed scales lacking; bullate scales on costules setiferous
19Pale erect hairs abundant on lower surface of veins.
19'Pale erect hairs absent or rare (near apices of segments) on lower surface of veins.
20Costae bearing many much-setiferous scales; pinnules to 20 mm wide.
20'Costae bearing very few scales; pinnules commonly 20-30 mm wide.
21Veins flat or impressed beneath; costular scales with long brown setae.
21'Veins much raised beneath; costular scales with short dark setae.
22Stipe-scales pale, 40-50 mm long, 4-5 mm wide at base, distal half very narrow; costular scales broad, pale, flat, short-setiferous or short-fringed
22'Stipe-scales otherwise; costular scales (if present) narrower, bearing long setae.
23Setiferous scales abundant on costae; small scales present on lower surface of veins; no stout hairs on lower surface of costae.
23'Setiferous scales lacking or rare on lower surface of costae of mature fronds; no scales on lower surface of veins; stout pale hairs present near apices on lower surface of costae.
24Stipe-scales 5 mm wide. Pinnules to 25 mm wide. Veins 13-15 pairs.
24'Stipe-scales 2 mm wide. Pinnules to 35 mm wide. Veins to 20 pairs.