KEY TO THE SPECIES Borneo and neighbouring islands

1Inflorescences or infructescences axillary, depauperate-paniculate or racemose-like. Hypocarp stalk-like
1'Inflorescences or infructescences terminal, sometimes also axillary, often much branched.
2Leaves glabrous, sometimes sparsely puberulous or pubescent on the lower surface.
2'Leaves densely, sometimes sparsely, tomentose or pubescent, velutinous, rarely hispidulous, on the lower surface.
3Papillae on the lower leaf surface concentrated in small groups in the areolae, separated by veins and veinlets. Hypocarp obconical
3'Papillae on the lower leaf surface rather uniform, not concentrated into such groups in the areolae. Hypocarp discoid
4Flower-buds subglobose. Petals imbricate. Hypocarp obconical (solid).
4'Flower-buds oblong or ellipsoid. Petals valvate. Hypocarp discoid, short-cupular, or funnel-shaped (hollow).
5Petals glabrous, rarely puberulous outside. Disk round and flat in ♂. Fertile anthers (1-)1¼-1½ mm long
5'Petals puberulous outside. Disk short-cupular in ♂. Fertile anthers ½-¾ mm long.
6Leaves tomentose and usually glabrescent on the lower surface. Petals elliptic-oblong, or -lanceolate, sometimes ± oblong, 3½-5 by 1-1½ mm
6'Leaves velutinous on the lower surface. Petals ovate-oblong or lanceolate, 2½-3½ by ⅔-1¼ mm