KEY TO THE SPECIES Based on fruiting material

1Mature fruits ellipsoid, 4-6 cm long, longer or as long as the enlarged calyx; wing-like calyx lobes 2-5 cm long.
1'Mature fruits ovoid or subglobose, I½-2½ cm long, several times shorter than the enlarged calyx; wing-like calyx lobes 5½-10½(-16) cm long.
2Enlarged calyx slightly shorter than or as long as the fruit, tube c. ½ cm long, lobes narrowly oblong, 3½-5 by ½-1¼ cm. Leaflets 5-7; nerves 9-11 pairs
2'Enlarged calyx much shorter than the fruit, tube c. ¾ cm long, lobes oblong or lanceolate, 2-3 by ½-1 cm. Leaflets 9-11 (-15); nerves 14-20 pairs
3Leaflets with symmetric base; petiolules grooved or the margins incurved above. Enlarged calyx tube on fruit 1½-2¾ cm long
3'Leaflets with usually asymmetric or oblique base; petiolules, if present, flat or convex above.
4Fruits distinctly ½-1½ cm pedicelled; enlarged calyx tube c. ½ cm long. Leaflets sparsely puberulous to rusty-pubescent beneath
4'Fruits subsessile; enlarged calyx tube c. 1½ cm long. Leaflets glabrous