Byblis liniflora

Primary tabs

Byblis liniflora


Unbranched, weak herb, c. 15-40 cm. Leaves filiform, very thin, blunt, c. 4-6 cm, spreading. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, acute, erect, 3-4 mm, with scarious margin, glabrous, c. 3-4 by 1½ mm. Petals oblanceolate, acute, with dentate upper margin, 4-8(-11) mm. Stamens glabrous, anthers varying from 1.5-3 mm, filaments longest where anthers are shortest. Ovary glandular; Capsule transversely elliptic, with 2 shallow grooves, c. 2 by 4 mm. Seeds ellipsoid, at one end ± pointed, black, 1 mm, lengthwise ribbed, ladder-like tessellate between the ribs.


Asia-Tropical, Australasia: Queensland (Queensland present), NW. Australia present, South New Guinea present, near Merauke present
Queensland to NW. Australia, in Malesia: South New Guinea (near Merauke: Hoo-GERWERF 273), one collection.


ENDL. 1841: Iconogr. t. 113
BRITTEN 1900: p. 30. – In: Ill. Pl. Banks. t. 96
SPECHT 1958 – In: Rec. Am.-Austr. Exp. Arnhem Land. p 231
F.v.M. 1876 – In: Fragm. p 81
DC. 1824 – In: Prod. p 319
EWART & DAVIES 1917: Fl. North. Terr. p 117
BAILEY 1900: Queensl. Fl. p 551
STEEN. 1968 – In: Blumea. p 355
SALISB. 1929 – In: Bibl. Bot. p 703
DOMIN 1922 – In: Act. Bot. Bohem. p 4
BTH. 1864 – In: Fl. Austr. p 470
SALISB. 1913: Compr. Cat: 174. f. 145