1Corolla with almost straight tube and narrow throat, glabrous inside. Nutlets usually 1 or 2. Sect. Stenostoma.
1'Corolla with broad, distinctly incurved tube and inflated throat. Nutlets usually 1-4.
2Calyx teeth triangular or lanceolate, much shorter than the tube.
2'Calyx teeth linear-subulate or narrow lanceolate, as long as or longer than the tube. Flowers in lax, axillary, peduncled, often branched cymes.
3Flowers few in a verticillaster and forming an axillary spurious raceme. Calyx (in flower) 10-12 mm long
3'Flowers many in densely congested axillary verticillasters. Calyx 6-8 mm long.
4Calyx teeth narrow lanceolate, nearly as long as the tube. Plant generally covered with golden yellow or dark brownish tomentum
4'Calyx teeth linear-subulate, considerably longer than the tube. Plant generally covered with ash-grey tomentum
5Corolla tube hirsute inside, and included in the calyx; lips small. Nutlets usually 1-3. Sect. Podosiphon
5'Corolla tube glabrous inside, and exceeding the calyx; lips large and prominent. Nutlets usually 4. Sect. Gomphostemma.
6Calyx tube not ribbed. Ovary glabrous or punctate. Flowers in lax, peduncled, branched cymes. Stem ascending
6'Calyx tube often conspicuously ribbed. Ovary villous or hispid. Flowers more or less congested in axillary verticillasters. Stem erect.
7Calyx teeth generally shorter than the tube. Flowers c. 10-15 in a verticillaster. Bracts linear-lanceolate. Calyx (in flower) 10-15(-20) mm long
7'Calyx teeth often considerably longer than the tube. Flowers c. 20 in a verticillaster. Bracts subulate. Calyx (in flower) 18-25 mm long