Hopea megacarpa

Primary tabs

Hopea megacarpa


Small or medium-sized smooth-barked tree. Young twig, petiole and leaf nervation beneath sparsely caducous puberulent, leaf bud persistently so. Leaf 6-12 by 1.5-5 cm, ± narrowly elliptic, thinly coriaceous, undulate, with cuneate base and to 2 cm long prominent caudate acumen; Stipule to 2 mm long, linear-falcate, caducous. Petals elliptic-oblong, obtuse, sparsely puberulent on parts exposed in bud, pale pink. Stamens 15; Panicle to 3 cm long, axillary, terete, glabrous, lax; Ovary and stylopodium cylindrical, subtruncate, glabrous, surmounted by a short style. Fruit entirely glabrous.


Asia-Tropical, Central Sarawak present, N.W. Borneo present, W. and S.E. Kalimantan present
Malesia: N.W. Borneo (Central Sarawak; W. and S.E. Kalimantan).


Ashton 1968: Man. Dipt. Brun: 53. f. 7