Rhizanthes lowii

Primary tabs

Rhizanthes lowii


Flowers always unisexual, concolorous white to reddish (on Mt Leuser also with a white tube and brown lobes). Fruit not seen.


Aceh present, Asia-Tropical: Borneo (Sabah present, Sarawak present), Bengkulu present, E Kalimantan present, Gajolands present, Lampong present, Pahang present, Palembang present, Perak present, Sibolangit present, Trengganu present, W present
Sumatra (Aceh, Gajolands, Sibolangit, Bengkulu, Palembang, Lampong), Peninsular Malaysia (Pahang, Perak, Trengganu), Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, W and E Kalimantan)


Parasitic on Tetrastigma papillosum (Blume) Planch.


Although in the footsteps of Beccari the epithet is often written as lowi; ICBN Art. 73.10 and Rec. 73 C 1 make it clear that lowii is the correct form. argues that there is only one species (R. zippelii) in this genus. However, he most likely never saw the real R. zippelii. He based his concept of it on the wrong identification by Meijer & Veldkamp (1988) of a specimen collected by Molesworth in a locality in Malaya which Bänziger also visited himself.


Merr. 1921: Enum. Born. Pl.: 244
Steenis 1930 – In: Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg: 18
Corner & Watanabe 1969: Illus. Guide Trop. PI.: 163
Koord. 1918: Bot. Overz. Raffles. Ned.-Indië: 101: t. 17, f. C - E
Ridl. 1924: p. 20. – In: Fl. Malay Penins.: t. 137