Chaetocarpus castanocarpus
Trees (or shrubs) up to 45 m high, girth up to 3 m, dbh up to 60 cm;
Stipules falcate, obovate, 3-6.5 by 0.6-2.2 mm, subglabrous to subsericeous.
Inflorescences densely hirsute;
Flowers greenish yellow to white-yellow to yellow, slightly fragrant, sweet;
Fruits 8-18 by 80-18 mm, yellow turning reddish brown, glochidiate hairs c. 3 mm long.
Seeds 5.2-5.5 by 3.5-5 by 2.7-3.5 mm;
Andamans present, Asia-Tropical: Assam (Assam present); Borneo present; Cambodia (Cambodia present); India present; Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present, Singapore present); Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka present); Sumatera (Sumatera present); Thailand (Thailand present); Vietnam (Vietnam present), Burma present, W Malesia present
Sri Lanka, India, Assam, Andamans, Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand; in W Malesia: Peninsular Malaysia (not recorded for Singapore), Sumatra, and Borneo.
In NE Malaysia (Kelantan and Trengganu) the young leaves are cooked and eaten as spinach or chopped up with rice (Corner 1940). The wood is used as a non-construction timber by the Iban, Sarawak, Borneo (Jarvie & Perumal 1994), for building purposes in Ceylon (Gamble 1902), and for sampans and columns in Indochina (Gagnepain 1926). The wood is said to be light red, moderately hard, close-grained, pores small, scanty, in short radial lines, medullary rays very fine, very numerous, narrow wavy concentric bands fairly regular and prominent (Gamble 1902, Welzen 1998).
1. Kuntze (1891) made a new combination in the genus Gaedawakka L. (). This combination is superfluous, because the description of Gaedawakka predates the starting date of 1 May 1753 (art. 13.1a, I.C.B.N. 1988).
2. One specimen with pistillate flowers (Forest Guard 3, Malaysia, BM) showed 3 filaments attached to the gynophore, all other pistillate flowers were devoid of stamens.
3. The species is fairly constant, the infraspecific variation is quite narrow. Leaves on the Malay Peninsula are usually much larger than those on Sumatra, with the Bornean specimens in between. The pilosity varies, plants in Malaysia are (early) glabrous, while on Sumatra and especially in NE Borneo the leaves can be subpilose and the branches pilose, although glabrescent. On Borneo the leaves tend to be more elliptic than ovate (Malaysia, Sumatra). The staminate flowers in the Malay Peninsula are usually much larger than those on Sumatra, also with the Bornean specimens in between.
2. One specimen with pistillate flowers (Forest Guard 3, Malaysia, BM) showed 3 filaments attached to the gynophore, all other pistillate flowers were devoid of stamens.
3. The species is fairly constant, the infraspecific variation is quite narrow. Leaves on the Malay Peninsula are usually much larger than those on Sumatra, with the Bornean specimens in between. The pilosity varies, plants in Malaysia are (early) glabrous, while on Sumatra and especially in NE Borneo the leaves can be subpilose and the branches pilose, although glabrescent. On Borneo the leaves tend to be more elliptic than ovate (Malaysia, Sumatra). The staminate flowers in the Malay Peninsula are usually much larger than those on Sumatra, also with the Bornean specimens in between.
Kurz 1877 – In: Forest Fl. Burma. p 409
Ridl. 1924 – In: Fl. Malay Penins. p 310
Thwaites 1981 – In: Kew Bull. p 275
Whitmore 1973 – In: Tree Fl. Malaya. p 76
Craib 1912 – In: Contr. Fl. Siam, Aberdeen Univ. Stud. p 194
Jarvie & Perumal 1994 – In: Tropics. p 159
Pax & K.Hoffm. 1912 – In: Engl., Pflanzenr. 147. p 8
Welzen 1994: p. 98. – In: Rheedea. f. 1, map 1
Airy Shaw 1972 – In: Kew Bull. p 231
Airy Shaw 1975 – In: Kew Bull. p 67
Welzen 1998 – In: Sosef et al., PROSEA 5. p 156
Hook.f. 1887 – In: Fl. Brit. India. p 460
Gamble 1902: Man. Ind. Timb. p 623
Müll.Arg. 1866 – In: DC., Prodr. 15. p 1122
Gagnep. 1926: p. 471. – In: M.H.Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine 5. f. 59: 12-16
Corner 1940 – In: Wayside Trees Malaya. p 244