1Verticillasters few, usually congested into a terminal cluster or clusters. Mouth of calyx tube oblique, the upper part projected forwards.
1'Verticillasters few to many, on distant nodes, not congested into a terminal cluster or few clusters.
2Calyx tube tubular, 8-9 mm long (in flower); calyx teeth 10. Bracts lanceolate, as long as the calyx
2'Calyx tube turbinate, 5-7 mm long (in flower). Bracts linear, shorter than the calyx.
3Plant usually hispidous. Leaves elliptic or narrowly lanceolate. Calyx mouth open; teeth 8, subequal, the posterior one only slightly larger than the others
3'Plant usually finely puberulous. Leaves generally linear-lanceolate. Calyx mouth often constricted, especially in fruit; teeth 7-10, very unequal, the posterior one much longer than the others
4Calyx tube curved, the mouth oblique with the upper part projected forwards. Plants sparsely hirsute. Flowers numerous (usually over 30) in a verticillaster
4'Calyx tube straight, the mouth not oblique. Plants densely woolly or tomentose. Flowers relatively fewer (generally below 20) in a verticillaster.
5Bracts subtending the flowers nearly as long as the calyx. Stem and branches densely brownish woolly
5'Bracts subtending the flowers minute. Stem and branches tomentose