Trimenia papuana

Primary tabs

Trimenia papuana


Shrub or tree up to 20 m or more high; Leaves narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, 2-1.25 by 0.7-3.5 cm, base cuneate, apex acuminate or acute, margin serrate or entire, yellowish brown when young, green at maturity becoming reddish, nerves numerous (c. 10-20 pairs), villous when young, becoming ± glabrous except for the midrib and nerves; Inflorescence axillary and terminal, paniculate, shorter than the subtending leaf, c. 6.5 by 5.5 cm, peduncle up to 15 mm long, villous at first. Flowers uni- or bisexual, up to 4 by 2 mm, pedicel c. 1 mm long, villous; Stamens 9-25, c. 2-3.5 mm long, filament slender, c. 1 mm long, anthers to 2 mm long, white, pinkish white or cream at maturity, connective produced. Seed ovoid, c. 4 by 3 mm, smooth.


Asia-Tropical: Maluku (Maluku present); New Guinea present, Batjan present, Central Celebes present, Ceram present
Malesia: Central Celebes, Moluccas (Ceram, Batjan), and throughout New Guinea. .


The wood is used for fence posts and building. The leaves provide a treatment against dysentery (Okapa area).


GILG & SCHLTR 1919: p. 199. – In: Bot. Jahrb. f. 1
A.C. SMITH 1942 – In: J. Arn. Arb. p 442
KANEH. & HATUS. 1942: p. 262. – In: Bot.Mag. Tokyo. f. 10
RODENBURG 1971 – In: Blumea. p 9