Acaena anserinifolia

Primary tabs

Acaena anserinifolia


Prostrate herbs, stems long-hairy. Leaves 2-4 (-9) cm long, petiole up to 0.5(-l) cm. Stipules membranous, up to 1-1.5 cm long, the free tips leaflet-like, long-hairy. Inflorescence a solitary, terminal, globose head, 5-8 mm diam. in anthesis, white, with 50-80 flowers, peduncle 2-9 cm, hairy, in fruiting stage head up to 2.5 cm diam. incl. the spines on the hypanthia. Flowers bisexual, (sub)sessile. Sepals 4, obovate to elliptic, up to 1.8 by 1 mm, erect, persistent. Stamens 2 (or 3), filaments up to 2 mm, anthers up to 0.5 mm long.


Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Australasia: Queensland (Queensland present); Tasmania (Tasmania present), New Zealand and nearby islani groups present, S Australia present
Australia from Queensland to S Australia and Tasmania, New Zealand and nearby islani groups; in Malesia: only in New Guinea.


Epizoochorous by means of the barbed spines. Certainly also anthropochorous.


Acaena anserinifolia is a complex species. Bitter, l.c., who certainly cannot be accused of irresponsible lumping, placed the many forms (19 varieties and subspecies) he recognized all in one species. For New Zealand Allan () changed several of those varieties etc. into independent species, admitting that "the close relationship of these groups is undoubted." He also remarked (I.e.: 363) that "fertile hybrids between them are ± common, yet in the absence of hybridism they are true-breeding," which seems to indicate that his species are actually eco-types.
The description given here is based on New Guinean material only. This material is very homogeneous and matches well the Australian specimens seen.


Steenis 1934 – In: Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. p 241
P. van Royen 1983 – In: Alpine Fl. New Guinea. p 2427