Prunus adenopoda

Primary tabs

Prunus adenopoda


Trees up to 12 m. Leaves elliptic to oblong, 8-17 by 4-6.5 cm, base acute to ± rounded, margin entire, apex acuminate, coriaceous, with 7-10 pairs of nerves, these hardly prominent below, venation hardly visible, both sides glabrous, basal glands mostly 2 on the petiole, large and protruding. Stipules narrowly triangular, 5-12 by c. 1 mm, free, (almost) glabrous. Sepals triangular, c. 1 mm long, ciliate at apex. Petals orbicular, 2.5-3 mm long. Stamens 25-35, filaments up to 5 mm long, anthers up to 0.5 mm long. Ovary glabrous, style up to 4.5 mm. Fruits ellipsoid, base attenuate, apex acute, 19-22 by 10-13 mm, mesocarp probably thick when fully ripe and living fruits possibly up to c. 24 by 18 mm, endocarp glabrous inside. Seed with glabrous testa.


Asia-Tropical: Jawa (Jawa present), Nusakambangan Island present, from Ujung Kulon in West to Malang Prov. in East present
Java, from Ujung Kulon in West to Malang Prov. in East), also on Nusakambangan Island.


Some specimens collected on lime-containing soil.


Backer & Bakh. f. 1964 – In: Fl. Java. p 521