Agrimonia nepalensis

Primary tabs

Agrimonia nepalensis


Erect herbs, sparsely branched, up to 1 m, stems, rachises and petioles with long and short patent hairs, glandular. Leaves 8-16 cm long, petiole 1-5 cm. Stipules herbaceous, amplexicaul, 3 by 3 cm, deeply serrate, hairy and glandular outside. Flowers staying erect after anthesis. Sepals 2-2.5 by 0.8-1 mm, appressed-hairy mainly on the 3 prominent nerves. Petals elliptic to obovate, 2.5-3.5 by 1.5-2 mm, yellow. Stamens c. 10, filaments up to 2.8 mm, anthers consisting of 2 subglobular thecae. Ovary 1 mm, style up to 2 mm.


Asia-Tropical: Assam (Assam present); Laos (Laos present); Vietnam (Vietnam present), Burma present, N Thailand present, Nepal present, S China present, continental SE Asia present, some mountains in C and E Java present
Continental SE Asia (Nepal, Assam, Burma, S China, N Thailand, Laos, Vietnam); in Malesia only on some mountains in C and E Java.


The Java specimens of Agrimonia cannot be separated from the continental A. nepalensis D. Don: there is not a single difference.
Some authors place A. nepalensis in synonymy under A. pilosa Ledeb. (e.g. ) without, however, giving an opinion about the disposition of the plants from Java. Other specialists keep the two species mentioned above separate (). On the basis of differences in stipules, petals, and indumentum, and in the absence of a full modem monographic treatment of the genus over its whole area I prefer to keep the species separate.
To place A. nepalensis and A. blumei within a then almost all-embracing species A. eupatoria L., as practised in some treatments for Java, does not seem a sensible classification to me. The most conspicuous difference between series Eupatoriae Juz. and Pilosae Juz. is that in the latter the * fruits' (fruiting hypanthia) remain erect after anthesis.
There is in BO (and to a lesser degree also in L) a fair amount of old herbarium material from Java, but the species has seemingly not been re-collected since 1941.


Backer & Bakh. f. 1964 – In: Fl. Java. p 519
Steenis 1972: Mount. Fl. Java. pl. 44-1
Miq. 1855 – In: Fl. Ind. Bat. p 370
Steenis 1934 – In: Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. p 241