1Calyx strongly lengthwise 5-6-ridged, 1¾ cm, narrow, one side cleft down ± halfway, 3-toothed at apex. Leaves 1-pinnate, with 5 leaflets, coriaceous, very glossy above, with recurved edge, 7-14 by 3-4 cm. Corolla 4 cm, with narrow tube, slightly enlarged above; lobes c. 1 cm, obtuse.
1'Calyx not lengthwise 5-6-ridged.
2Corolla narrowly funnel-shaped, without distinction of basal and upper tube. Flowers in cauliflorous racemes, with yellow tube and red limb. Leaves 2-pinnate
2'Corolla with a cylindric basal tube, widened rather abruptly into an upper tube. Flowers in terminal thyrses which are rarely raceme-like depauperated.
3Calyx very short (3-5 mm), with a stunted rim, persistent. Leaves always 1-pinnate
3'Calyx longer, irregularly lobed, after anthesis circumscissile-caducous.
4Corolla 2-3½(-4¼) cm long (incl. lobes). Calyx 5-10(-l 3) mm long
4'Corolla 5-6 cm long. Calyx 10-25 mm.
5Filaments and inside of basal tube glabrous. Corolla tube outside towards apex and on lobes with minute sessile glands. Leaves above puberulous on midrib and nerves, beneath with some scattered glands. Corolla white or cream-coloured
5'Filaments and inside of basal tube near insertions capitate-glandular hairy. Corolla tube outside towards apex mostly laxly and very short-hairy. Leaves glabrous above, beneath mostly with at least a gland-field at base. Corolla mostly pinkish, sometimes white, with yellow streaks in the mouth