
Primary tabs



Erect, climbing, or prostrate shrubs, nearly always armed with straight or curved prickles, often with glands. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets pinninerved, usually serrate. Stipules adnate (rarely, not in Malesia: Flowers solitary and terminal or in terminal thyrses or racemes, large and showy, bisexual, nearly always 5-merous, cultivars often double. Sepals imbricate, often foliaceous and at least the outer ones often pinnately incised, persistent or caducous. Petals imbricate, different shades of red, white, or yellow. Stamens many. Fruits achenes with usually bony pericarp, included in tbe accrescent, ± fleshy, coloured hypanthium (hip). Seed with thin testa;


Asia-Tropical: Philippines (Philippines present), Luzon present, temperate to subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, some in the montane parts of the tropics present
Probably more than 100 species, in temperate to subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, some in the montane parts of the tropics. Ornamentals with a long history of hybridization and with innumerable cultivars of untraceable origin. In Malesia 2 species indigenous in Luzon, Philippines.


The modern cultivated roses are almost all complex hybrids. Any of these may be found cultivated also in SE Asia but they never come beyond the local market. See .


Occasionally cultivated roses may run wild. See and . Only the truly wild species are treated here.


Kalkman 1973 – In: Blumea. p 281