Phoradendron morsicatum

Primary tabs

Phoradendron morsicatum


Orange-yellow to yellowish brown plants, dichotomous through terminal inflorescences, fleshy; internodes terete, to 9 cm long; basal cataphylls 1 or 2 pairs, as low as 0.4 cm when only 1 pair, second pair to 1 cm above axil. Leaf blade leathery, lanceolate-ovate, to 9 x 5 cm, base acute, tapering into very short, poorly defined petiole; venation palmate but nearly obscure. Monoecious?Inflorescence to 4.5 cm long; peduncle usually simple (both interminal and lateral inflorescences), rarely with a small pair of cataphylls, 5-7 cm long, fertile internodes 2 or 3; flowers 5-9 per fertile bract, 2-seriate. Fruit bright orange or brownish orange at maturity, 0.5 x 0.3 cm, perianth segments closed.


Gran Sabana present, Guyana present, Southern America: Venezuela (Venezuela present)
Venezuela (Gran Sabana) and Guyana; 12 collections studied (GU: 10).


Very similar to P. berteroanum (DC.) Griseb., differing in the low basal cataphylls, the very leathery leaves, and in inflorescence characters. Phoradendron berteroanum, previously known as P. dichotomum Krug & Urb., is not known from the Guianas.