Centaurea grisebachii (Nyman) Heldr.

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This concept of the taxon Centaurea grisebachii (Nyman) Heldr., Herb. Graec. Norm.: [in schedis] No. 1155. 1891 sec. Koutroumpa 2020+ is not contained as an accepted taxon in the currently chosen classification, but in this one: Centaurea Classification

Centaurea grisebachii (Nyman) Heldr.


  • Centaurea graeca subsp. grisebachii Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur.: 427. 1879
  • Centaurea paniculata var. macedonica Griseb., Spic. Fl. Rumel. 2: 240. 1846
  • Centaurea macedonica (Griseb.) Halácsy in Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Wien. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 61: 244. 1894 [non Centaurea macedonica Boiss. 1846]
    • Lectotype: Greece, In collibus pr. Saloniki sparse, A. Grisebach 681 (GOET barcode GOET001256 designated by Strid 20001); Isolectotype: Greece, Korthiat [Chortiatis], Thonschiefer., E. von Friedrichsthal 697 (W accession no. 0044948); Isolectotype: Greece, Saloniki, E. von Friedrichsthal 697 (GOET barcode GOET001257)
  • 1. Strid, A. 2000: New taxa described in Grisebach's "Spicilegium Florae Rumelicae et Bithynicae" (1843 - 46). – Preslia 72: 241-321



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