
Primary tabs



Rather tall, deciduous trees. Leaves 1-pinnate; Flowers fragrant (in Mai.). Stamens 4, didynamous, included, 5th rudimentary; Ovary cells each with 2 rows of many ovules. Capsule long linear, terete, mostly twisted, usually 4-angular in section; Seeds thick, trigonous, wedge-shaped, with a cross-groove, on both sides thinly winged;


Asia-Temperate: China South-Central (Yunnan present), Asia-Tropical: Malaya present; Sumatera (Sumatera), East Java present, Madagascar present, SE. Asia present, Tropical Africa present
Over a dozen spp., in tropical Africa and Madagascar, in SE. Asia as far east as Yunnan, in Malesia: 2 spp. in Malaya, possibly also in Sumatra, and a doubtfully indigenous record of a third in East Java. .


Besides the 3 Malesian spp. distinguished here, P. DOP mentioned S. cylindricum PIERRE from Malaya (), but this must rest on an error as that species is only known from Thailand and Indo-China (c f. ).


A.DC. 1845 – In: Prod.: 210
HASSK. 1844: Cat. Hort. Bog.: 152
CHAM. 1928 – In: Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg: 233
CHATTERJEE 1948 – In: Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng.: 68
B. & H. 1875 – In: Gen. Pl.: 104
STEEN. 1927: Thesis: 946
HASSK. 1848: Pl. Jav. Rar.: 507