Hollrungia aurantioides

Primary tabs

Hollrungia aurantioides


Liana to 45 m. Leaves subcoria-ceous, elliptical to lanceolate, top subobtuse to acute, up to 1 cm acuminate, sometimes 1-2 mm mucronate, base rounded to acute-acuminate, 7-23 by 3-12 cm, pinninerved; Inflorescences axillary or up to 5 mm supra-axillary, 1-10(-15)-flowered; Fruits 1-2, globose, excl. the (5-)10 mm long gynophore 2-4½ cm ø; Seeds 15-50 ellipsoid-obovate, 5½-l by 4-6 by 2-3 mm, 5-7 pits or grooves ø;


Asia-Tropical: Maluku (Maluku present), Bougainville present, E. Malesia present, Misima I present, New Britain present, New Georgia present, Rennell present, Ronongo present, Santa Ana present, Santa Ysabel present, Shortland present, Solomon Is present, Ternate present, W.-E. New Guinea present, Wiriai Subdistr present, inland from Lavongai present
E. Malesia: Moluccas (Ternate), W.-E. New Guinea, New Britain ( Wiriai Subdistr.), New Ireland (inland from Lavongai), Misima I., Solomon Is. (Bougainville, Shortland, Ronongo, New Georgia, Santa Ysabel, Santa Ana, Rennell). .


Polygamous, apparently largely (functionally) dioecious. The ♂ and ☿ flowers are usually somewhat larger than the ♀ flowers. In ♂ flowers always a distinct vestigial ovary is present, in ♀ flowers stamens with distinct, reduced, sterile anthers. In one specimen (CLEMENS 5435) some of the ♀ flowers contained beside 4 reduced anthers one well-developed fertile anther.
In the flowers a short androgynophore is always present; the filaments are either free or to a various degree connate into a tube enveloping the gynophore.
The variability in the flowers as well as in the size of the fruits and the place and presence or absence of glands suggested that several taxa might be involved (VAN STEENIS, 1966); a thorough investigation of the flowers of the rather abundant recently collected specimens, however, proved that all the material belongs to a single species. In the original description the stigma was erroneously described as single, undivided, cap-shaped, but it appeared (VAN STEENIS, 1966) that this was due to the young stage of the flowers in the type material.
Australasian Passifloras differ by the absence of a distinct gynophore and by the globular or clubshaped stigmas. In Adenia the corona is absent or composed of but a single row of short hairs, whereas the disk is composed of 5 separate lingulate or strap-shaped appendages; the anthers are narrow; petiolar glands are absent or restricted to auricles at the very top of the petiole.


K. SCH. & HOLLR. 1889: Fl. Kais. Wilh. Land. p 82
MERR. & PERRY 1943 – In: J. Arn. Arb. p 210
K. SCH. 1925: p. 495. – In: Nat. Pfl. Fam., ed. 2. f. 218 E-F
K. SCH. 1948 – In: J. Arn. Arb. p 160
HARMS 1893: p. 86. – In: E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3. f. 25 E-F
K. SCH. 1966: pp. 40-44. – In: Acta Bot. Need. f. 1-7
K. SCH. 1949 – In: J. Arn. Arb. p 44
K. SCH. & LAUT. 1901: Fl. Schutzgeb. p 456
STEEN. 1952 – In: Reinwardtia. p 480