
Primary tabs



Leaves elliptic or ovate to (ovate-)lanceolate, glabrous or slightly pubescent; Flowers bisexual or by reduction unisexual and then trees dioecious, 4-5(-6)-isomerous, pedicelled. Sepals deltoid to triangular, persistent. Petals absent. Stamens persistent, in ♀ flowers staminodial and mostly permanently inflexed; Panicles terminal or axillary, sometimes on leafless older nodes or ramiflorous, erect to usually pendulous, poorly to rather copiously branched; Ovary superior or almost so, the lower part adhering to the receptacle, (sub)globose to pyramidal, 2-4-carpellate, 2-4-celled, with free or only basally connate septs, badly developed in ♂ flowers; Capsule superior or almost so, (sub)globose or more or less (ob)ovoid, puberulous, upper part dehiscent with 2-4 valves, inside split as far as the basal connation of the septs; Ovules many, either in horizontal position on the septs or in ± vertical position basally between the septs. Seeds many, very small, in horizontal or vertical position;


Asia-Tropical: Assam (Assam present); Thailand (Thailand present), Bengal present, Lower Burma present, Tropical SE. Asia present
4 spp., of which one ranges through tropical SE. Asia (Assam, Bengal, Lower Burma, Thailand, and Indo-China) to Malesia, the other three endemic in Malesia. .


C. paniculata seems to yield a fairly good timber, but is never found in quantity.


Bl. 1911 – In: Med. Rijksherb. p 31
B. & H. 1867 – In: Gen. Pl. p 782
BEUS.-OSINGA & BEUS. 1975 – In: Blumea. p 258
Bl. 1918 – In: Med. Rijksherb. p 17
cf. MERR. 1918: Sp. Blanc. p 282
Bl. 1892: p. 21. – In: E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam., ed. 3, 7. t. 8
BLANCO 1845 – In: Fl.Filip., ed. 2. p 136
HALL.F. 1903 – In: Abh. Naturw. Ver. Hamb. p 90
Clarke 1879 – In: Hook.f., Fl. Br. Ind. 2. p 573
HUTCH. 1967 – In: Gen. Fl. Pl. p 33
HASSK. 1844: Cat. Hort. Bog. p 232
Bl. 1856: p. 123. – In: Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. t. 42
BLANCO 1877 – In: Fl.Filip., ed. 3. p 245
KOEHNE 1881 – In: Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenburg. p 69
NIEDENZU 1892 – In: Bot. Jahrb. p 161
O.K. 1890 – In: Rev. Gen. Pl. p 250
DC. 1868 – In: Prod. p 677