Epilobium detznerianum

Primary tabs

Epilobium detznerianum


Clumped perennial herb 3-15 cm, the underground stems not scaly; Leaves mostly opposite, alternate in the inflorescence, coriaceous, nerves obscure, broadly elliptic or ovate, obtuse at apex and base, entire, 0.3-1 by 0.2-0.7 cm; Flowers nodding, the ovaries erect, borne in the axils of upper leaves. Sepals 4.5-7 by 1-2.5 mm. Petals obovate, 7-14 by 3-6 mm, bright purplish rose, the notch c. 2 mm deep. Capsule erect, subglabrous, 4-5 cm long, on a pedicel 2.5-8.5 cm. Seeds (0.9-)l-1.5 by 0.5-0.7 mm, not beaked, finely papillose, pale brown, the coma c. 8 mm long.


Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Mts Carstensz & Wilhelmina present, Mts Sarawaket & Wilhelm present, Telefomin present
Malesia: New Guinea (Mts Carstensz & Wilhelmina in West, Telefomin, Mts Sarawaket & Wilhelm in East). .


An attractive alpine species reaching the highest elevations in the genus in New Guinea. It is usually more condensed in habit than E. hooglandii and differs at once from that species in the glabrous ridge decurrent from the center of each petiole and the elevated pubescent lines decurrent from the edges of the petiole. It grows sympatrically with E. hooglandii and E. keysseri, but no intermediates have been observed; intermediates with the former species would be very difficult to detect.


RAVEN 1967: p. 277. – In: Blumea. f. 3, 5 (map).