Lansium membranaceum

Primary tabs

Lansium membranaceum


Tree to 30 m; bole to 30 cm diam. Bark smooth to flaking, yellowish; inner bark ochreish yellow; sapwood light yellow. Leaves 25–30 cm long; petiole 3.5– 8.5 cm, often flattened adaxially, pulvinate. Petals 2.5–3 mm long, suborbicular, glabrous. Staminal tube glabrous, margin undulate; anthers slightly protruding from tube. Ovary and style densely pilose. Fruit to 4 cm long, ellipsoid to subglobose, 1-seeded.


Asia-Tropical: Sumatera (Sumatera present)
Malesia: Sumatra. Known only from Mt Sago, C Sumatra and collected only three times.


Kostermans, l.c., mentions a fruit bought in a market in Padang, W Sumatra and considers that it may belong here. It had a thin very acid aril.