1Leaves densely dark-dotted on underside. Stipules intrapetiolarly connate
1'Leaves not densely dark-dotted on underside, sometimes pitted on the underside where hairs have been. Stipules connate or free
2Leaves without basal glands. Petals 6-7.5 mm long
2'Leaves with 2 basal glands, usually on petiole, rarely in margin. Petals up to 4 mm long
3Basal glands on the petiole
3'Basal glands on the leaf surface, sometimes in a contraction of the leaf-base, sometimes absent
4Racemes without leaves on the basal part of the rachis
4'Racemes with 2 leaves under the flowers
5Leaves with 2 or more basal glands and with usually many additional glands in two rows parallel with the midrib. Petals 3-8 times as long as sepals.
5'Additional glands, when present, not distinctly in two rows parallel with the midrib. Petals at most twice as long as sepals
6Basal leaf-glands deeply hollowed, distinctly bulging above
6'Basal leaf-glands flat or only slightly hollowed and hardly bulging above, or in all leaves absent
7Racemes solitary and simple. Basal leaf-glands in blade proper
7'Racemes in bundles (short shoots without or with terminal bud) or truly compound. Basal glands sometimes in contraction of the leaf-base
8Stipules free
8'Stipules with the bases of their midribs intrapetiolarly connate
9Stamens 50 or more
9'Stamens not more than c. 50
10Ovary densely hairy
10'Ovary glabrous or with few hairs
11Stamens 20-40
11'Stamens 50-85
12Stamens 50 or more. Inflorescences 3.5-11 cm long
12'Stamens not more than 50
13Leaves with 5-9 pairs of nerves. Inflorescences up to 1.5(-4) cm long. Ovary densely hairy
13'Leaves with 8-12 pairs of nerves. Inflorescences up to 3.5 cm long. Ovary sparsely hairy to glabrous. See alse Prunus A with inflorescences up to 10 cm long
14Racemes in bundles (short shoots with or without terminal bud) or truly compound
14'Racemes solitary and simple
15Stipules intrapetiolarly connate. Inflorescence a compound raceme, 5-10 cm long, with 1-5 laterals. Stamens 50-80. Ovary glabrous or with few hairs
15'Stipules free
16Ovary glabrous or with few hairs. Basal leaf-glands absent. Stipules usually with one large, hollowed gland outside. Stamens 15-40
16'Ovary densely hairy
17Perianth differentiated as triangular sepals and elliptic to obovate petals. Stamens 35-45
17'Perianth segments subequal
18Stamens 10-20
18'Stamens 10-50(-60)
19Ovary densely hairy
19'Ovary glabrous or with few hairs. N.B.: Ovary unknown in Prunus D, fruits sparsely hairy.
20Stipules intrapetiolarly connate
20'Stipules free
21Racemes short (-1 cm), peduncle almost none, pedicels up to 2 mm
21'Racemes and pedicels longer
22Leaves thin-papyraceous
22'Leaves coriaceous, stiff
23Leaves usually with 2 basal glands. Stipules with 1-3 flat or pustular glands on the outside. Racemes with up to 6 flowers. Flowers small (hypanthium 1.5 mm long, perianth segments less than 1 mm long)
23'Leaves usually without basal glands. Stipules with glands in margin but not on surface. Racemes with up to 10 flowers. Flowers slightly larger (hypanthium 2-3 mm, perianth segments 1-1.5 mm long)
24Leaves herbaceous or papyraceous
24'Leaves coriaceous, often hard and thick
25Racemes short, never over 5 cm long
25'Racemes (at least some) longer than 5 cm
26Leaves thin-herbaceous to papyraceous
26'Leaves herbaceous
27Perianth segments subequal, 7-15
27'Perianth differentiated as sepals and petals. N.B.: See also the insufficientiy known P. odorata.
28Leaves herbaceous to papyraceous
28'Leaves coriaceous, stiff
29Racemes up to 3 cm long
29'Racemes longer than 3 cm
30Leaves papyraceous
30'Leaves herbaceous
31Perianth segments subequal
31'Perianth differentiated as sepals and petals, but equal in size
32Leaves hairy when young, indumentum still present when mature. Stipules often connate
32'Leaves glabrous or practically so when mature
33Stipules often connate. Racemes up to c. 30 cm long.
33'Stipules free. Racemes not longer than 10 cm
34Racemes shorter than 3 cm
34'Racemes longer than 3 cm