Nephelium cuspidatum var. bassacense

Primary tabs

Nephelium cuspidatum var. bassacense


Inflorescences pseudoterminal to terminal. Sepals connate up to c. 10%, 1.3-2 mm long. Petals absent. Fruit appendages dense, filiform, broadened at base, up to 1.5 cm long.


Asia-Tropical: Cambodia (Cambodia present); Vietnam (Vietnam present), Burma present, Dist. Ranong, Lambing present, Peninsular Thailand present
Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Peninsular Thailand (Dist. Ranong, Lambing, one collection).


This variety resembles N. hypoleucum, from the same area, in its vegetative parts and its inflorescences, but the latter differs in its glabrous or early glabrescent twigs and leaves.