1Leaves cordate or auricled, or subcordate (sometimes slightly truncate, rarely obtuse, or cuneate) at the base; petiole obscure, 0-1¼ cm.
1'Leaves usually cuneate to attenuate (rarely obtuse or slightly subcordate) at the base; petiole distinct, usually 1½-8 cm (¾-1¼ cm in M. minutiflora).
2Lower surface of leaves pubescent especially on nerves and veins; distinctly papillose. Drupe with dense, rusty-hairy processes (insect-gall-like)
2'Lower surface of leaves glabrous; not papillose. Drupe without processes as above
3Leaves glabrous on both surfaces.
3'Leaves densely or sparsely hairy on the lower surface, sometimes glabrescent but then always remaining sparsely hairy on the midrib and nerves.
4Inflorescences axillary only, shorter than the petiole. Hypanthium 3-4 mm long. Papillae distinct on the lower leaf surface. Drupe broadly ellipsoid, or ovoid, 3 by 2 cm, apex apiculate.
4'Inflorescences terminal and axillary (rarely axillary only on ♀), much longer than the petiole. Hypanthium less than 2¼ mm long.
5Lower surface of leaves with very distinct papillae. (Branchlets whitish. Drupe unknown)
5'Lower surface of leaves not papillose, or with very compact, obscure papillae (rarely fine and compact on young leaves in M. castaneifolia).
6Inflorescences with large bracts (7-8 mm long). Petals 4-4½ mm long. Ovary flat and round, c. 2½ mm ø. Stomata invisible on lower leaf surface. Drupe subglobose, 2-2½ by 1½-2 cm, apex rounded
6'Inflorescences with small or minute bracts (⅔-4 mm long). Petals 1½-3 mm long. Ovary sub-globose or globose, c. 1 mm ø. Stomata visible on the lower leaf surface.
7Petiole puberulous at the lower ½-1½ cm. Drupe ellipsoid or ovoid, 2 by 1-1¼ cm, apex acute
7'Petiole glabrous.
8Branchlets brown or dark brown, pubescent. Leaves brown to reddish brown and shining above. Filament of the stamen brown. Drupe broadly ellipsoid, 1½ by 1 cm, apex obtuse
8'Branchlets light yellowish white or light greyish, glabrous. Leaves usually yellowish green and shining above. Filament of the stamen whitish at the apical part. Drupe unknown
9Leaves bullate above; veins scalariform. Drupe thickly velvety; indumentum c. 3½ mm thick
9'Leaves not bullate, almost flat above. Veins reticulate or reticulate-scalariform. Drupe thinly velvety; indumentum less than 1¼U mm thick.
10Leaves with densely reticulate-scalariform venation prominent on the lower surface. Lower ½-1½ mm of the filaments united with the petals. Drupe broadly ellipsoid or ovoid, 1½-2½ by 1¼-2¼ cm, apex obtuse
10'Leaves with loosely reticulate or reticulate-scalariform venation slightly elevated or obscure on the lower surface. Filaments free from the petals (except in M. beccariana).
11Leaves not papillose on the lower surface. Flowers small, 2-2½ mm long. Drupe subglobose, c. 1¼ cm Ø
11'Leaves distinctly papillose on the lower surface. Flowers larger, 3½-9(-12) mm long.
12Lower surface of leaves with papillae in prominent groups (often horse-shoe-shaped), separated by broad bands of veins and veinlets. Inflorescences axillary only. Drupe broadly ellipsoid or subglobose, 2¾-3 by 2-2½ cm
12'Lower surface of leaves with rather uniformly distributed papillae. Inflorescences terminal, or terminal and axillary.
13Flowers (5-)7-9(-12) mm long. Lower ¾-1½ mm of filaments laterally united with the petals; ovary almost completely immersed in the receptacle. (Drupe broadly ellipsoid or ovoid 2½-3 by 1¼-2¼ cm)
13'Flowers 3½-7 mm long. Filaments free. Ovary not immersed in the receptacle.
14Hypanthium c. ½ mm long. Anthers c. 1 mm long. Abortive pistil in ♂ minute, glabrous. Drupes ovoid or ellipsoid, l-l¾ mm ø, indumentum ⅔ mm thick.
14'Hypanthium longer, ¾-2¼ mm long. Anthers ½-¾ mm long.
15Leaves tomentose on the lower surface, especially dense on midrib and nerves. Abortive pistil in ♂ 0, replaced by a tuft of hairs. Drupe globose or subglobose, 2¾-3 cm ø, indumentum c. 1/6 mm thick
15'Leaves sparsely hairy on the lower surface, usually glabrescent except on midrib and nerves.
16Hypanthium 1¾-2¼ mm long. Abortive pistil in ♂ conical, ½ mm long, hairy. Drupe broadly ellipsoid, 1½-2½ cm ø, indumentum c. 1/6 mm thick.
16'Hypanthium ¾-l mm long. Abortive pistil in ♂ minute or 0, glabrous. Drupe broadly ovoid, 2-2¾ cm ø, indumentum c. ⅓ mm thick