Rubus subg. Chamaebatus
Herbaceous to slightly woody, creeping plants.
Leaves simple, reniform to cordate, not or slightly lobed, rarely more deeply incised, nervation pedate with usually 2 or 3 main side nerves at the very base of the midrib, each with 2 or more basiscopic laterals, nerves terminating in the margin.
Stipules free, on the junction of stem and petiole, persistent.
Flowers bisexual, solitary, terminal, more rarely 2 or 3 on erect laterals.
Inner sepals narrower than outer ones, uncovered margins pinnately lobed.
Fruits loosely cohering, becoming loose from the elevated torus when ripe.
(Pacific NW America present, America present, Asia present, Asia-Temperate: Taiwan (Taiwan present), Asia-Tropical: India present; Jawa (Jawa present); Philippines (Philippines present), Japan present, Northern America
Few species, with a disjunct area: America(Pacific NW America and Mexico) and Asia (India, China, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, Java). Two species in Malesia.