Rubus subg. Idaeobatus
Leaves 3-foliolate, palmately 5-foliolate, or imparipinnate, rarely bipinnate, rarely 1-fbliolate (not in Malesia).
Stipules on the basis of the petiole, persistent.
Inflorescences thyrsoid, ± elaborate, terminal or sometimes also lateral.
Flowers bisexual.
Sepals (sub)equal, usually entire.
Fruits cohering, becoming loose from the torus as a whole, endocarp rugose.
Africa present, Asia present, Asia-Tropical, Australasia, Europe present, Madagascar present, N and C America present, Pacific Islands present, islands in the Indian Ocean present
Many species, distributional centre in Asia, extending to Australia and the Pacific islands, Africa including Madagascar, islands in the Indian Ocean, few in N and C America, one species (R. idaeus) in Europe. In Malesia 19 species.