Rubus subg. Malachobatus
Leaves mostly simple (in Malesia always), entire or lobed, usually pedately nerved with on either side at the very base of the midrib 2 or 3 main side nerves, each with 2-5 basiscopic lateral nerves, above the base pinninerved, nerves usually terminating in the margin, nervation more rarely palmate with 3-7 main nerves, or pinnate.
Stipules free, on the twig near the petiole-base, usually rather persistent.
Inflorescences terminal, compound racemes or thyrses, side branches racemose or di- or monochasial, the lower branches axillary to leaves.
Flowers usually bisexual, some species (gyno)dioecious.
Sepals subequal or inner ones distinctly narrower, entire or (usually) with up to 5 teeth on the not-covered margins.
Petals in some species wanting or only one left.
Fruits cohering, falling as a whole together with the dried torus.
Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Australasia, Japan present, W and SW part of the Pacific Ocean present, continental Asia present
Many species (c. 80?), centred in Continental Asia and Malesia, extending to Japan, Australia, and the W and SW part of the Pacific Ocean. In Malesia 19 species and some incompletely known ones (see Kalkman, l.c.). New Guinea is poor in species belonging to this subgenus, which contrasts with the two other subgenera.