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Tropical Africa to tropical Asia and Polynesia, extending to South China, Tahiti, Rapa and Australia present
Tropical Africa to tropical Asia and Polynesia, extending to South China, Tahiti, Rapa and Australia.


Belvisia is a rather homogeneous genus of similar-looking plants, with the exception of B. novoguineensis. The number of taxa various authors have been able to distinguish has varied, between Christensen (1929), distinguishing 11 species and many forms and varieties, and more recent accounts. Hovenkamp & Franken (1993) recognise 8 species and 2 subspecies (6 and 1 occurring in Malesia). Belvisia novoguineensis is sometimes seen as intermediate to Lemmaphyllum.
Belvisia is close to Lepisorus, but is distinguished mainly by the coenosori.


Hovenkamp & Franken 1993 – In: Blumea. p 517
Fée 1850–1852: Gen. Filic: 81. pl. 6B
Pichi Serm. 1953 – In: Webbia. p 387
Blume 1828: Enum. Pl. Javae. p 200
Pichi Serm. 1977 – In: Webbia. p 324
Kaulf. 1851: C. Presl. p 158
Kaulf. 1875: Hist. Fil. p 118
Domin 1915 – In: Bibl. Bot. p 168
Backer & Posth. 1939: Varenfl. Java: 228. f. 53
Mirb. 1960: Fern Fl. Philipp. p 466
Mirb. 1803 – In: Hist. Nat. Vég. p 111
Bedd. 1863: Ferns S. India: 15. pl. 26
Goebel 1926: p. 108. – In: Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. pl. 7, f. 34-43
C. Chr. 1929: p. 54. – In: Dansk Bot. Ark. f. 1
Copel. 1947: Gen. Fil. p 191
J. Sm. 1866: Ferns Brit. & For: 91. f. 19
Endl. 1836: Gen. Pl. p 62
Tagawa 1942 – In: Acta Phytotax. Geobot. p 232
Bower 1928: p. 222. – In: Ferns. f. 731
Mirb. 1803 – In: Hist. Nat. Vég. p 473
Alderw. 1908: Malayan Ferns. p 727
Holttum 1955: p. 153. – In: Revis. Fl. Malaya. f. 67 & 68
T. Moore 1857: Index Filic: 28. pl. 15A
Hennipman et al. 1990 – In: Kramer & Green, Fam. & Genera Vasc. Pl. 1. p 214
Underw. 1899 – In: Mém. Torrey Bot. Club. p 276
Alderw. 1917: Malayan Ferns. p 432
Copel. 1905: Polypod. Philipp. p 110