Cyclosorus interruptus

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Cyclosorus interruptus


Tropics and subtropics present
Tropics and subtropics.


It seems probable that Aspidium gongylodes Schkuhr was a tetraploid; his specimens at B and his illustration agree with known tetraploids. But some other tropical American specimens are not clearly distinct from the plants of Asia and Africa known to be diploid. The morphological distinctions of the tetraploid need to be established, and the type of Pteris polypodioides Poir. (1804), an earlier name, needs to be examined; also P. tottum Thunb. (1800) from South Africa must be taken into consideration. In any case, the name gongylodes is incorrect for the Malesian plants.
Willdenow's type was misconstrued by Ching, who identified it with the species here named Amphineuron terminans (Hook.) Holttum, and his identification was copied by many subsequent authors. In 1801 Swartz published the name Aspidium obtusatum with Pteris inter- rupta Willd. as a synonym; this identification was accepted by Willdenow in 1810.
The nature and distribution of hairs on the lower surfaces of pinnae of Malesian plants varies greatly. Specimens with many short capitate hairs have been collected in Sabah and Sarawak, also in Mainland Asia from Peninsular Thailand to Assam and also Hainan.


sensu Copel. 1960: Fern Fl. Philip. p 360
Holttum 1974 – In: J. S. Afr. Bot. p 152
sensu Mett. 1864: p. 230. – In: Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. var. hirsutum tantum.
Sw. 1810 – In: Willd. Spec. Pl. p 241
sensu Racib. 1898 – In: Fl. Btzg. p 182
Holttum 1973 – In: Amer. Fern J. p 81
Fosberg & Sachet 1972 – In: Smiths. Contr. Bot. p 8
sensu Backer & Posth. 1939: Varenfl. Java. p 57
Bedd. 1863: Ferns S. India. t. 89
Sw. 1806: Syn. Fil. p 248
sensu Bedd. 1883: Handb. p 268
sensu Sw. 1806: Syn. Fil. p 47
sensu Holttum 1955: p. 261. – In: Rev. Fl. Malaya. f. 148
sensu Bl. 1828: En. Pl. Jav. p 150