Ficus subcuneata

Primary tabs

Ficus subcuneata


Tree up to 30 m tall, sometimes with buttresses up to 60 cm high. internal hairs copious, whitish or yellowish. Leaves spirally arranged (to subdistichous); stipules 1-2.5 cm long, (rather) densely pale brown to yellowish hirsute to hirtellous (to subvillous), caducous.


Asia-Tropical: Maluku (Maluku present); New Guinea present, Ceram present, Morotai present, New Britain present
Malesia: Moluccas (Morotai, Ceram) and New Guinea (incl. New Britain).


2The material from the Moluccas (two collections examined: and ) differs from the (numerous) other collections in the smaller fig receptacles (when dry c. 1.3 cm diam.) and the smaller (c. 2.5 mm long) basal bracts, not early caducous, but subpersistent. 1The figs appears to be normally borne in the leaf axils, but they may be cauliflorous on the trunk and branches (according to label data of ). 3This species differs from F. trichocerasa in, e.g., the presence of hairs on (at least the lower half of) the midrib above and the caducous basal bracts.


Corner 1965: – Gard. Bull. Singapore 21. p 81
King 1888 – In: Sp. Ficus. p 184
Miq. 1970 – In: Blumea. p 404
Corner 1960 – In: Gard. Bull. Singapore 18. p 30